Kenneth Carman Veitch
Research Services for Bracebridge Muskoka History
in Ontario Canada 
(705) 645 - 5396  

Search Example

The Veitch Index, while it does consist of thousands of recordings of events, people and items of interest in Bracebridge, Muskoka past, is not a comprehensive list of ever thing that has ever happened or of every person that has ever lived, in the Bracebridge area. However, if the subject item has been mentioned in one of the 25 well known books, periodicals, journals, newspaper reports and personal manuals written about Bracebridge that form the collection of the founder, it will in all likelihood be an entry in the Veitch Index.

For example, a response to an enquiry about the Ancient Order of United Workmen would contain the following information – R27 and B147,161, indicating that on page 27 of Reminiscences by Redmond Thomas (R) and on pages 147 and 161 of A Good Town Grew Here by Robert J. Boyer (B) there would no doubt be some reference made to this particular organization. Upon arrangement, the information contained there can be made available.

Fees are listed on the Veitch Index page.

The creator of the Veitch Index can be contacted at the following:
Kenneth Carman Veitch
97 Glendale Rd. ,
, Ontario , Canada P1L 1A7

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